Baby Gear isn't cheap. There's lots of expensive stuff you don't need or even want, and more expensive isn't necessarily better. We didn't love the 4 Moms swing. We didn't love the Phil & Ted stroller. We didn't get a baby wipe warmer.

 But here are the things I feel are worth paying up for:

Double BOB Stroller


If you have 2 kids, this pushes like a dream. Great for running, just fits inside many doors. And it still is useful with kids who are almost 4 and 6! My wife says, "The double bob is the best".

Bugaboo Cameleon3

 We got the Bugaboo as a gift and loved it.  This and the double bob are the only 2 strollers we still have, years later.

Motorola Baby Monitor

There's a million brands, and most are probably fine.  The main things we loved about this were:
1) Remote tilt, pan, zoom
2) Temperature display

I recommend looking for a monitor with those features.

Chicco Infant Car Seat

A solid Car Seat.  

Crane Humidifiers

These are seriously great humidifiers. 

The Swings

We tried a few swings which were ok, but our favorite was the Fisher-Price Little Lamb swing!  I believe that's now the "Snugabunny Cradle 'n Swing".

Lincoln would fall right asleep in it - the motion was perfect.  It worked so well, that Lulu would point at it and say "Swing, Swing" so that Lincoln would sleep and she'd hang with us.

Other things for Baby to rest in

We loved this. We kept an earlier version of the Moonlight Meadow Deluxe Bouncer in our living room.  She loved it, and the birdies.

Book to get you ready:
I liked this book a lot, "The Happiest Baby on the Block":

And see the one-pager!

And do yourself a favor and don't buy onesies with a bunch of snaps. They are tough at 3am.  Try one of these gowns instead.