Summer fun in the Burbs - ages 5-7
With a backyard, you can have lots of fun, even during a quarantine and even on hot days. Here are some of our favorite ways to enjoy our yard on a hot day.

1) Climb a tree
Instant shade, trees are fun.
2) Sprinkler
Just run through the sprinkler. Go under it when it makes a tunnel. Be silly. And set it up where the grass is brown.
And this unicorn sprinkler is a lot of fun too :)
3) Slip n Slide
The slip n slide is still fun, even for a 41 year old (who has to be careful with a bad back)
4) Frisbee
These frisbees are a blast for a 5 and 7 yr old!
5) Catching Lightning Bugs
It's so much to stay up late and catch lightning bugs.
6) Bikes and Scooters in the Driveway
7) Sidewalk chalk on the driveway
Sidewalk chalk is great on the driveway. You can do hopscotch, make a track for bikes and scooters, play games.
8) Build a birdhouse
Super fun to build a birdhouse and hang it up in a tree. The kids will have fun all summer long checking in on their birdhouse.
9) Water Blasters
Running around and spraying each other with water is summer fun. Could be with a hose, but our favorite is water blasters, filled from a water table. We play a version of Capture the Flag where if you get squirted, you have to drop the flag and run back to base.
10) Car Wash
All you need is a bucket of soapy water and a hose and you can wash the car in your driveway. My kids love it! We also like playing the Car Wash song on Alexa. :)
11) Garden
We have had success growing green beans and tomatoes in the garden in our yard. We might get a pumpkin too!
12) Celebrate
During the quarantine, the days and weeks seem to run together. And sometimes, joy is hard to come by. Celebrations are fun and provide mental landmarks. Things like holidays, birthdays, and other silly things. Grill, have smores, have ice cream cones, sing songs, play music! Do it up big! In our family, a very big meal becomes a party - we call it "A Feast and a Festival"
13) Stomp Rocket
My kids had fun with these Stomp Rockets for days and days and it's still going. They see who can shoot them higher or faster. They tried to get them stuck in a tree. They even filled them with water for a water fountain show.
14) Water table
This water table has been fun since age 2. It started for splashing and playing, but lately has been more of a cauldron for adventure play.